Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


The Lord Reigns

The Lord Reigns


Life may be harsh and tough from time to time

We may have to walk under the valley of the shadow of death

But there will always be a light for us in the dark hour

Because the Lord our God reigns supreme in this life

This is what we must hold very dear to our heart and mind


Dreams are thwarted, and plans are stalled at times

There may come a time for us to lose and fail in this present life

But here comes a silver lining for us despite the thick cloud

Because the Lord our God reigns sovereign in history

This is how we will go on, trusting in God and His Word


Qualms and doubts arise, hence; disturbing us many times

Midlife crisis is not foreign to all of us regardless of age and status

We must learn to walk worthy of God in all humility

Because the Lord our God reigns now and forevermore

This is how we become ones among Moses, Aaron and Samuel